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Kubernetes Basic Storage Setup
This guide will show the basic setup of K8s using GCP storage disk. Our goal here is to have a pod use storage for the external disk in GCP (Google Cloud Platform) using persistent volume and persistent volume claim. See this diagram for example. This screenshot shows...
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) – Cheat Sheet
This article is a list of cheat sheets for running GKE in Windows. Installing and setup the gcloud CLI Download the Google Cloud CLI installer. Alternatively, open a PowerShell terminal and run the following PowerShell commands: (New-Object...
Expose K8s service – Simple nginx demo
Reading this article will guide us on how to setup basic steps to expose a Kubernetes service. Example: Accessing an Nginx web server from a Multipass Ubuntu VMs using Kubernetes deployment and service. Things we need: DeploymentInstall MetalLB (we need this if we are...
GCP VPC Firewall Challenge
This post is about the GCP VPC Firewall setup challenge where you can learn how to setup incoming (Ingress) and Outgoing (Egress) firewall within the VPC network. This setup also uses the following: Service AccountsInstance TemplateInstance GroupsVPC Challenge Build...
Kubernetes – Services & Microservices
Overview: ServicesMicroservices Services This is the part where you can access the service rather than pods. Pods can come and go. Example, you will create a deployment with 4 replicas. 1 pod was destroyed and new one was created so you need to access those pods...
Kubernetes – Containers and Pods setup guide
Overview: Creating Pods and DescribeDescribe a nodeBasic Networking.Creating an example deploymentBusybox PodPing and test the network of our podsTroubleshootingDisk issueClean up! Just a short summary about containers and pods. Pods = the smallest and most basic...