by johnmark | Mar 29, 2022 | gcp, kubernetes, security
Create a Cluster and Node Pool using the default service account Create a pod and SSH to that pod Example nginx.yml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nginx spec: containers: – name: nginx image: nginx Create that nginx pod then SSH to it....
by johnmark | Feb 24, 2022 | docker, kubernetes
This article will guide us to the basic steps on how to wrap your codes (for example a basic HTML file) to a docker image, upload it to docker hub so we can use it later for Kubernetes deployment, and run a deployment in K8s using that image. I will list some steps on...
by johnmark | Feb 23, 2022 | gcp, kubernetes
This guide will show the basic setup of K8s using GCP storage disk. Our goal here is to have a pod use storage for the external disk in GCP (Google Cloud Platform) using persistent volume and persistent volume claim. See this diagram for example. This screenshot shows...
by johnmark | Feb 20, 2022 | gcp, kubernetes
This article is a list of cheat sheets for running GKE in Windows. Installing and setup the gcloud CLI Download the Google Cloud CLI installer. Alternatively, open a PowerShell terminal and run the following PowerShell commands: (New-Object...
by johnmark | Feb 20, 2022 | kubernetes, linux
Reading this article will guide us on how to setup basic steps to expose a Kubernetes service. Example: Accessing an Nginx web server from a Multipass Ubuntu VMs using Kubernetes deployment and service. Things we need: DeploymentInstall MetalLB (we need this if we are...
by johnmark | Feb 11, 2022 | kubernetes, linux
Overview: ServicesMicroservices Services This is the part where you can access the service rather than pods. Pods can come and go. Example, you will create a deployment with 4 replicas. 1 pod was destroyed and new one was created so you need to access those pods...