I just want to share a few tips on how I passed the PCEP Python exam.
Course from ACloudGuru
Before I took the exam, I enrolled in the ACG course Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification. At the start, it was kind of boring. It feels like all just basic from start. But when the course goes on, a lot of things I learned like Yield Generators, Binary from number systems and tuples, dictionaries, and lists.
So I would recommend getting a course first like PCEP from ACG before taking the exam. This should give you a refresher!
Get a Practice Test
I bought a practice test from the main source.
If you have extra money or if your company can sponsor the exam including the practice test, I would recommend 200% to get this.
For me, I’m confident that without this, I would never pass the exam the first time.
This will give you a bigger chance to pass! Just like I said, 200% recommended!
TIP #1: When you got this practice exam, make sure you pass it. I mean perfect it with 100% score because this is just a practice exam with a limited trial/attempts. Yep, that’s right! IT IS LIMITED!
TIP #2: Take the exam right away after you finish (100% score) all the practice tests! Maybe a few minutes break (5-15 mins). So that your learning from practice tests will stay remain fresh!