John Mark Causing

System Administrator | Hosting Support Engineer

Bacolod City, Philippines


John Mark Causing

System Administrator | Hosting Support Engineer

Bacolod City, Philippines


Below is the list of example SQL queries from GCP built-in public available billing table.

FROM `cloud-training-prod-bucket.arch_infra.billing_data`

The field of cloud-training-prod-bucket.arch_infra.billing_data is the public dataset we are working with.

If we click the Results tab underneath, we can view the entire table we are going to work with. Feel free to experiment with other queries such as ordering by cost or usage amount by adding the below string to your query to sort by the column of your choice:

FROM `cloud-training-prod-bucket.arch_infra.billing_data`

In this query, we are bringing up the entire table contents, but sorting by the highest cost first. You can experiment with other fields as well.

Let’s now do some specific queries. In the same Query editor box, delete the existing contents, and enter the below query to find all charges that were more than 3 dollars:

SELECT product, resource_type, start_time, end_time,  
cost, project_id, project_name, project_labels_key, currency, currency_conversion_rate,
usage_amount, usage_unit
FROM `cloud-training-prod-bucket.arch_infra.billing_data`
WHERE (cost > 3)

Next let’s find which product had the highest total number of records:

SELECT product, COUNT(*)
FROM `cloud-training-prod-bucket.arch_infra.billing_data`
GROUP BY product

Looks like Pub/Sub is pretty popular here…

Finally, let’s see which product most frequently cost more than a dollar:

SELECT product, cost, COUNT(*)
FROM `cloud-training-prod-bucket.arch_infra.billing_data`
WHERE (cost > 1)
GROUP BY cost, product

So those are just example SQL queries you can run from GCP BigQuery for you to experiment and test the built-in public GCP Billing table.